****WARNING****The Person Below is Under Investigation For Cyber/Stalking and Harassment.Here is the law is he breaking. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0784/Sections/0784.048.html #SHERWYNALEXANDER aka ALEX AND SEAN aka Sherwin Willam Alexander
If anyone receives an email from sherwyn Alexander
sherwynalexander@gmail.com GeneticFreaklives@gmail.com GeneticFreakLives@icloud.com
screen shot it and report it for porn and
hate mail, then please send to me so I can give to proper authorities he
is harassing and sending porn and hate mail.
Violence Against females.
Click The Links
Here is his fake linkedln
Alexander is not a CEO of
any company. He cannot be. He has been
Undocumented here Illegally in our country since 2008. He is an illegal
immigrant. His social media company is not a registered company. Optimum
Social Media is not in sunbiz
doc search. He is not a certified
personal trainer or a IFBB PRO as he claims to be to so many.
Review the information and Links below and
search Personal Training with Sherwyn in California.
His social media company
is not a registered company Optimum Social Media at all review
sunbiz doc search
Here is a link where sherwyn was sued.
Here is sherwyns alexanders
fake twitter profile where he pretends he is a bodybuilder and in shape. He's nowhere
near in shape or a bodybuilder..
Here is proof
from an IFBB PRO that sherwyn alexander is not a pro at anything..
Here sherwyn alexander
scammed yet another person and people out of money.
The photo has been
cropped to protect another victim of his.
by FB friends on Sherywn Alexander Ohhhhh Sherwyn????????????? Ohhhhhhh bad,
bad, bad! Probably should check the police records in , I believe NYC Sherwyn
tried to get me too but I always thought having someone else do ones FB page
sounded shady. He has his hands on Janeen Lankowski and Nancy Lewis as well.
I'm told he has quite the criminal record but I have not seen the reports. VIOLENCE too...towards women and fraud, I am told. Let me be clear...I know
nothing directly other than him trying to solicit me but Janeen was A VICTIM … I do know
that he does not own any of the homes or vehicles he presents as his on his
page. At last i knew he was living with Janeen in Land-o-Lakes. Just please
leave my name out of everything. From what I've been told he is VERY dangerous.
I don't need any problems. I will help as I can but anonymously. Okay?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is another victim of his. Sherwin Alexander is a complete fraud. He attempted to date me. Claimed he was
a successful trainer in California, married to a doctor. Claimed his son's
mother kidnapped him and was living in Romania. He has attempted to date other
bbing women. Attempts to meet him always met with extreme resistance. He is very
rude and mean. I had to block him from FB and my phone to stop his harassment.
Oh damn! All I know of him is stories from others $. Like hell he's wealthy,
apparently he was living on the couch of a FBBs studio apartment for a while,
like just a few months ago. --------------------------------------------------
This is the Jackie Paisley scam..
This is the Jackie Paisley scam..
Hey everyone check out my blog if you receive anything from this person please screen shot and send to me at deanparave@gmail.com and also report him to facebook.
ReplyDeleteHi im a victim as well!He terrorized me for a month!
ReplyDeleteBlocked me from all shelters..i felt like a prisoner.He took advantage when I was most vulnerable.